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Mom Has Over-The-Top Reaction To Every Gift Ellen Gives Her.

Some people have stronger emotional reactions than others, but no matter where you fall on that spectrum, you can’t blame a Virginia mom for going a little over the top on this one.

Actually, that should be plural, as in these ones. If the cameras were rolling, we don’t know about it, but we imagine there was a lot of screaming and bouncing around in their Chesapeake household once a video of 10-year-old Bri’Anna Harper singing The Jackson 5’s “Who’s Lovin’ You” went viral.

brianna harper jackson 5

And you know what that means. When Bri’Anna’s mom, E’boni, found out they’d been invited to appear on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, it’s like a genie had just popped out of a bottle and granted her biggest wish!


But it didn’t stop there. When Bri’Anna and her family recently joined Ellen on her show to perform in front of her live audience, Ellen invited mom E’boni to come up and join her on the couch. After some idle chat, Ellen commented on how proud she and her husband, Fabian, must be of their talented rising star.

Yes, yes they are, extremely proud, E’boni replies, adding, “we didn’t think we’d get this far, so this is amazing and we’re just happy to be here and so thankful.”And that’s a perfect segue into Ellen’s next surprise. We’ve all seen those stickers and magnets saying, “Proud Parent of an Honor Student,” but how many people can say they’re proud parents of a daughter who sang on the “Ellen DeGeneres Show”?

eboni holding magnet

But this is the Ellen DeGeneres Show, and she’s not going to let any guest on her show walk away with a little trinket, even if it’s a one-of-a-kind magnet. In fact, Ellen has a suggestion for the perfect place where they can put that magnet: on a brand new 2019 Honda Pilot!

If you were wondering if we were ever going to get back to those over-the-top reactions we mentioned earlier, here ya go:


Moments later, Fabian walks onstage, but he’s a bit more restrained. Sometimes you can just say it all with a simple hug:

fabian harper

And, again, this is the Ellen DeGeneres Show, and no guest walks off with just one heart-stopping surprise. You’ll have to click on the video below to see what else is in store for the Harper family, and E’boni’s adorable reaction to it, but suffice to say…

eboni harper

She’s gotten the breath knocked out of her after seeing what’s in that trunk!

Check it out down below, and share to congratulate Bri’Anna for her viral video and Ellen for yet another act of kindness and generosity!

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