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“Bravo!” Clever Elephant’s Cry For Help Saves Antelope From Drowning.

a man helping a drowning antelope get out of the water as an elephant stands nearby on land.

An elephant at a Guatemalan zoo is being hailed a hero for his part in rescuing a fellow zoo-mate!

The rescue was caught on camera thanks to Maria Diaz. As she and her family were enjoying a day at the zoo, she says that the sounds of a nearby elephant caught her attention. Following the sound, she quickly discovered there was a very good reason for the elephant’s persistent noises.

“I saw that an antelope in the water was really scared, fighting for its life and an elephant trying to help him,” Maria recalled.

The antelope desperately leapt about in an attempt to stay afloat as the elephant did everything he could to catch the attention of a nearby human. Luckily, one came around just in time! He hurried into the water and carefully helped the antelope back onto solid ground. Cheers erupted as Maria joined in by yelling out: “Bravo!”

Since then, the zoo has awarded both the human and the elephant for their heroic deed – as they should!

Watch this sweet elephant call out for help in the video below, and don’t forget to share.

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