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Little Boy Stops To Pray For “Missing Children” In Walmart.

We all see them, those pink-cheeked, innocent faces gazing out at us from posters hanging in post offices, community centers, and city buildings. If anything, though, they usually warrant nothing more than a casual glance, and they’re quickly forgotten as we continue along through our days.

But for a young boy who was visiting a Walmart with his mom last summer, seeing a large board filled with the faces of those missing children stopped him in his tracks.


Mothers have a hard enough time as it is keeping track of their kids, but doubly so in a place like Walmart.


Maybe this mother even glanced at that board on her way into the store and flashed back to it when she couldn’t find her son right away.

How thankful and proud she must have felt to see her son stop and take the time to think of these lost children and kneel in their honor.

The photo she took has prompted a flood of responses from people whose hearts were lifted by the simple yet startling image – one that speaks volumes about the manner in which this compassionate boy is being raised. And that’s across the board, despite whatever differences people may have about belief in God, a higher power, or the power of prayer:



One person even felt a personal connection to the scene, writing “I just want to say thank you. My cousin’s picture is up on that wall. He is 16 and has been missing for over a year. I wish we could personally thank [this boy]. When we saw this picture, I had a lump in my throat. Thank you.”

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