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Hilarious Video Captures Little Boy’s Dramatic Flops During Soccer Practice.

This, friends, is a mood.

Nat Jackson is a father in Fredericksburg, Virginia, who coaches youth soccer in his spare time. He has likely seen more than his fair share of lazy players, but ironically, it’s his own son who is currently setting the record for “biggest flopper in league history!”

In a video Nat shared on Twitter, his son is happily running alongside the other kids during soccer practice when there’s a minor collision and he and several other children fall down. The other little ones all jump up and continue to play, whereas Nat’s son just sort of… sprawls there. The game goes on without him – the ball even bumps gently over his head at one point – but he just stays put, probably contemplating space, time, and the universe.

Eventually, a coach comes along and helps him to his feet, but seconds later, he finds yet another reason to crumple to the ground in a dramatic heap. Maybe soccer just isn’t his sport? Might we suggest yoga since he enjoys “stretching” so much? Just a thought!

Watch the hilarious video that’s gotten over 1.4 million views below, and don’t forget to share this story.

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