Baby Meets Dad’s Identical Twin For First Time, But Her Confused Reaction Has Everyone Cracking Up!

When you’re a baby, the struggle is real. You have so many things you have to experience for the first time like learning colors, how to chew, hand gestures, and even (in some cases) how to moonwalk! Figuring out the world is no easy task. But if those things were not hard enough, it became even harder for the little girl in the video below when her father and uncle decided to test her with a very special ‘challenge.’

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Her Dad and Uncle are identical twins. They decided to use the look-alike factor, and some glasses, to test her ability to tell them apart. But each time one of them holds her, she points to the other and says, “Dada.” They try it with glasses on and without, and are even wearing different outfits, but their faces are so similar she can’t tell which is which!

Though it may sound questionable, there’s no denying that her reaction is both hilarious and adorable as she is totally confused by it all. And no one can hold in their laughter!

Check out the hilarious interaction below and see if you can guess who the real dad is!

Watch as this sweet and innocent toddler has the cutest ‘test of the minds’ of all time!

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