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Baby Beavers Might Be The Cutest Animal Alive: WATCH

Left image shows a baby beaver enjoying some watermelon. Right image shows a baby beaver carrying a cook book he plans to use as building material.

Most baby animals are cute, but baby beavers might be the cutest. If you have never seen a baby beaver, there is no way we can prepare you for what you are about to see. Tiny beavers are called “kits.” We found some of the best clips of them playing and showering us with a heavy dose of “OMG CUTE!”

The image below shows baby beaver Nibi swimming in a sink as a size reference. Raising beavers in rehab centers means providing them with a swimming pool, even if that means a quick dip in the kitchen sink! Baby beavers look almost like adult beavers except for their size and adorable little faces!

baby beaver swimming in a sink
Image from YouTube.

1. Point Defiance Zoo Welcomes A New Kit

Getting a medical checkup is a priority for this kit born on April 29th at Point Defiance Zoo. This little guy had trouble staying still for the examination, but they did the job. Watch the melty look on the doctor’s face when she checks the tiny little teeth. Baby beavers are born with open eyes and ready to swim!

2. Nibi Will Hop Her Way Into Your Heart

This rescued baby beaver is keeping her keepers entertained with her silliness. Nibi was only about a week old when rescuers found her. She is helping us understand a lot about beaver behavior.

3. Sisters Cypress and Willow Are Inseparable

After a landowner blew up the damn built by their mother, these two adorable sisters landed in the hands of a wildlife rehab specialist.

4. JB Can Be A Naughty Boy, But He Still Needs His Bankie

JB is short for Justin Beaver. Like the notorious singer, JB is a naughty boy…

5. This Hungry Little Girl Wants MORE!

After being fed, this kit grunts and grumbles until the handler offers more. Growing babies need to eat. Make sure your sound is on to catch the adorable noises she makes. OMG CUTE!

6. OMG, The Adorable Little Honks As They Explore!

Who knew baby beavers honked? These little critters make the cutest noises while exploring the “wild” outdoors.

7. Baby Beaver Beatrice In Training To Be A Wildlife Ambassador!

Beatrice was a foundling raised by a rehabber. She cannot return to the wild, so she will train as a wildlife ambassador to teach people about beavers.

8. Another Hungry Baby Beaver — This Guy Needs A Burp!

You might think these little kits are starving the way they eat! This little guy drank his bottle too fast, and now he needs a burp.

9. Stop Booping My Nose!

This poor little kit desperately tries to fall asleep during feeding time, but the rehabber keeps booping its nose.

10. Mom Hauls Baby Beaver Out Of The Water

When the momma beaver says that it is bedtime, you must get out of the water. She will pick you up and haul you out if you don’t! It is fascinating that this mom carries her baby just like humans do!

Baby beavers are just too cute! The little noises they make and the things they do are adorable. If you liked these clips, please share them with your friends — they could use a laugh too!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here and here.

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