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Barber Gives Homeless Man 1st Haircut In Yrs, And The Transformation Is Incredible.

A fresh haircut and a professional shave can make anyone feel like a million bucks.

Anil Cakmak understands this feeling better than most. He’s a barber at The ChuckMuck, a shop in Istanbul, Turkey. Recently, he met a homeless man named Hayri, who only ever asked him for an occasional cup of hot tea or coffee on cold days.


Anil enjoys making YouTube videos of some of the incredible hair transformations he sees, and one day he got the idea to offer Hayri the same experience for free.

“I asked and explained my idea about a transformation, haircut, barber treatment, and new clothes, but he rejected my offer,” Anil wrote on YouTube. “Suddenly, the day after, he came and seemed for me he was OK for it.”


The barber couldn’t wait to get started! Of course, washing and detangling Hayri’s hair was no easy task. Years of living on the streets had turned it into a snarl of grime and knots. Hayri couldn’t even remember the last time he’d had a trim, let alone a professional cut in a nice barbershop.


When Anil finished snipping and styling his hair, Hayri looked like a totally different person! Best of all, by the time they were done, Hayri seemed to feel better, cleaner, and more loved than he did when he walked inside.

Later, Anil explained that he didn’t make the sweet offer for himself. Instead, he’s hoping he touched Hayri’s heart and showed him the respect and dignity he deserves. And when he uploaded the full video to YouTube, he explained that 100% of the money he makes from it will go to Hayri.


What a great reminder to look out for each other! You never know when a simple act of kindness might change someone’s life forever.

Watch Hayri’s amazing transformation in the video below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends.

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