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Amazon Driver Spots Grandma With Alzheimer’s On Street And Makes Sweetest Delivery.

Wilmar driver delivers grandma home

Serving his community is something Wilmar, an Amazon delivery driver from New Jersey, takes very seriously. “I think it’s very important that the community looks out for one another,” he explained. “If something happens, see something, say something. You just wanna make sure that your neighbors are safe, everybody’s happy. It benefits all as long as we’re all contributing.“

That philosophy came in handy for a grandma named Gigi when she wandered away from home in her Franklin Park suburb. Wilmar was working in her area when he spotted the 92-year-old, who has Alzheimer’s, and stopped his van to check on her.

“I was delivering and I saw this older lady was walking by. She waved at me, which isn’t an odd occurrence, people wave at you all the time as an Amazon driver. But she was waving at me like something happened,” Wilmar said.

He read her medical alert bracelet and saw that she lived nearby, so he got the number on the bracelet, called her granddaughter Karen, and drove her home. Karen was able to speak to him via their doorbell camera and made sure her grandmother got back inside safely.

Karen cares for her grandmother and her father, who also has dementia, so she appreciates having a neighbor like Wilmar looking out for them!

“I felt that Wilmar went above and beyond,” she said. “We have that type of a great close-knit community here, that if there’s something that a driver’s going to spot, that’s out of line, he’s going to say, ‘I’m going to make sure that my customers are taken care of, because this doesn’t look right.'”

Watch Wilmar bring Gigi home in the video below, and share this story to thank him for paying attention and helping out.

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