Bus Driver Goes Off Route To Help Lost Passenger Visit Her Mom In Care Home.

In order to visit her mom at Bradley Manor nursing home during the novel coronavirus pandemic, Jacqueline Mason had to sign up for a specific time slot and stick to it.

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Unfortunately, as she made her way over to the correct part of Belfast, Ireland, she realized she had gotten on the wrong bus. Once she discovered what was going on, she broke down in tears and told Alec Bailey, her bus driver, what had happened. Her story “hit his heart,” so Alec decided to take a detour to help the mother and daughter reunite!

“A lot of people have suffered this year and you’ve seen on the news, people not able to see their mother or their father in the homes, and it just struck a chord with me,” he told BBC. “I just said to myself, I have to get this woman as close as I can to that home.”

Before veering off course, Alec explained the situation to the rest of his passengers. Amazingly, they all agreed that he should take the detour to get Jacqueline to her mom in time! With their support, he moved through traffic as quickly as he could and finally dropped Jacqueline off – just in time for her 30-minute visit!

Jacqueline found herself in tears again, but this time, they were tears of gratitude! “He’s made my Christmas and he’s made my year, I can’t thank him enough,” she said. She added that every single passenger on the bus is a hero too!

Soon, Alec’s daughter was telling him that she’d seen his wonderful act of kindness on the news! Despite all the praise he has gotten since then, only one thing matters to him.

“The smile and the joy on her face just said it all and I was just so pleased,” he explained. “It was just a nice, magical moment. It was just the right thing to do.”

Those are the words of a true hero! Thank you, Alec, for going above and beyond the call of duty to encourage a family in need!

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