Afghan Boy Who Lost Leg To Landmine Dances With Joy At Receiving New Prosthesis.

dancing afghan boy

Ahmad Rahman was only 8 months old when he became a victim of war.

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Four years ago, the baby boy and his older sister, Salima, found themselves caught in a fight between Taliban and Afghan government forces in a village in Logar province. Salima was carrying her brother when she stepped on a landmine. Ahmad lost his leg and Salima was seriously injured, though she recovered.

But you wouldn’t know the horrors the 5-year-old boy has lived through by looking at him, because now, he’s all smiles. That’s because he just received a brand-new prosthetic leg and couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than by dancing.

ahmad dance prosthetic leg

Thanks to the International Committee of the Red Cross Afghanistan, Ahmad’s family has never had to pay for prostheses. Since the accident, the Rahmans have traveled to the ICRC Afghanistan Ortho Center in Kabul to have Ahmad fitted with new prosthetic legs as he outgrows his old ones. And they all come free of charge. It’s no wonder that when Ahmad got his latest leg, he was so overcome with joy that it came bursting out of him.

ahmad dance prosthetic leg

Ahmad’s physiotherapist Mulkara Rahimi recorded as the little boy broke in his new limb by busting a move. In the video, we see the adorable kid turning this way and that as music plays, all the while wearing the biggest grin.

ahmad dance prosthetic leg

ICRC Afghanistan and its spokeswoman, Roya Musawi, shared the sweet footage on Facebook and Twitter. Soon, Ahmad and his family weren’t the only ones expressing their gratitude for the organization’s generosity.

ahmad dance prosthetic leg

Thousands watched and were brought to tears by the boy’s resilience and happiness at the simple pleasure of being able to dance. And it’s all thanks to the kind folks who serve people who need it the most.

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This is what children should be doing – smiling and having wholesome fun. We can’t imagine what it was like for Ahmad and his family to live in fear, careful of each step. Here’s hoping they won’t have to again. Enjoy your new leg, buddy!

Watch as Ahmad gets his groove on prosthetic-style below, and share to spread his infectious grin.

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