Winston is a golden retriever who looks forward to every day with a youthful passion. The first thing he does daily is run out of the house and into the barn. He charges across the nearly empty barn and hurdles a short fence into the enclosure where his little friends live. Once inside the enclosure, the golden retriever greets each little piglet with glee.
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After greeting all the piglets, the golden retriever lays in the hay and rolls around with his friends. The piglets use the dog as a jungle gym, climbing over him and sliding off. They wrestle playfully, with Winston trying to pay equal attention to each piglet. Winston continues his playful adventures in the piglet enclosure as each group grows.

Winston seems to have a never-ending supply of playmates. The birth cycles of the sows alternate. As one set grows and moves out, newborns come in from the next birthing cycle. The golden retriever is happiest when he is rolling around with the piglets. He is at ease whether three or three dozen little animals are running around in the pen.

Rebecca Krueger is the TikTok personality behind the posts featuring Winston. Her tagline is “Be the reason someone smiles today,” and her posts sincerely embody that sentiment. Winston is a brilliant ambassador of goodwill and smiles. His playful antics with his little piglet friends will bring a smile to the grumpiest grumps.
Winston loves romping with his little piglet playmates, whether rolling in the squishy bedding material or truffle hunting outside. This dog is the perfect “animal sitter” for little piglets. He never seems to tire of their company, and they keep him busy all day!
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