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Couple Who Fell In Love At Soup Kitchen Has Unusual Request For Wedding Guests.

Typically, when you picture a “dream” wedding, things like flowers, candles, gowns, and elegant table linens come to mind.

For a Minnesota couple, their dream wedding didn’t involve place cards and perfect guest favors – it included hair nets and community service.

Fox News

When Adam Claude and Chara Juneau began planning their wedding, they knew they didn’t want to go the typical route. The couple describes themselves as “minimalists” and didn’t want to spend a fortune on their big day. So, after some brainstorming and an off-the-cuff remark from a friend, they decided the perfect place to celebrate their marriage was the charity where they met in 2017.

Adam and Chara met when they were both volunteering for the Feed My Starving Children Christian charity where they were packing up food to feed kids all over the world. Since meeting, they have spent every Valentine’s Day volunteering at the charity and Adam even proposed to Chara there.


Not only did the sweet couple hold their ceremony at the facility, they held their “reception” there as well. Instead of drinks and dancing, guests took part in packing up food and serving the charity alongside the newlyweds. Adam particularly loved the idea saying he and his new wife would much rather “raise money for kids and use [the wedding] as an opportunity to serve.”


By the end of the celebration, Adam, Chara, and their guests packed 22,000 meals, which will ultimately feed 60 children in Sierra Leone for an entire year.


As if that’s not enough, the couple has started a fundraiser where they hope to raise $1Million  for the charity. The goal is lofty but would make a huge impact because a single meal costs only $.22. As of now, the new husband and wife have raised more than $117,000 – and that doesn’t even include what they donated from their wedding!

Be sure to share this inspiring story with your friends and spread the word for the couple’s fundraiser!

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