15 Times Cats Made Themselves At Home Without Consulting Their Humans.

a black cat and a white cat standing together, a gray cat trying to claw his way through a window.

Cats have a tendency to go wherever they please, whether they’re invited or not.

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On Reddit, there’s a forum where people share stories of how a random cat turned up in their lives, either for a quick visit or a more long-term stay. It’s called “r/NotMyCat,” and it’s a fun blend of heartwarming and humorous. Here’s a sampling of “NotMyCats” who refused to take “no” for an answer.

1. This NotMyCat wandered into a house, climbed into an Amazon box, and delivered a sweet little “Mini Me.”

2. “My new neighbor has a clown cat that tries to break into my house.”

3. This terrified little fellow was found in a backyard. We hope he found a nice, safe home after this!

4. Some NotMyCats become regular visitors, whether the homeowner likes it or not.

5. Others just pop in once to say, “Merry Christmas!”

6. This person woke up and found a cat sitting on his bed. Not his cat, just a cat.

7. He was out in the middle of the field doing research when suddenly… cat!

8. “The white one is NotMyCat, but is a regular visitor for play dates with his best pal!”

9. Imagine climbing into your car and finding a cat inside who refuses to leave?

10. “Not My Cat appeared on our doorstep in freezing temperatures.”

11. This smart kitty found a comfy place to sleep the day away.

12. They opened the windows during a heat wave… in cat law, an open door might as well be a written invitation!

13. This family couldn’t see a cat out in the cold without inviting her in. She made herself right at home.

14. “We have a dog door. We have two dogs. We have no cats. This cat wanders in through the dog door almost every night after our dogs are asleep. She eats a little dog food snack, gets a drink, naps under the couch, and then goes back home before the dogs get up in the morning.”

15. Mama cat needed a safe spot to give birth. Tag, you’re it!

To be completely honest, we’d be fine with any of these cats strolling into our homes! Many of the people on Reddit report giving in and adopting their little home invaders, so maybe these crafty felines are onto something.

Share this story with anyone who’s had a NotMyCat experience.

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