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15 Hilarious Family Moments That Better Make It Into The Photo Album

a two-photo collage. on the left there is a picture of a girl holding her baby brother wearing a mask. on the right there is a picture of recreated childhood photo of 2 boys playing in fire hydrant water.

If you’re lucky enough to belong to a funny family, you’re lucky enough!

Maintaining a good sense of humor is a wonderful way to bond with family and friends. Some people seem to be born with a fully-functioning funny bone, but other humor is honed over a lifetime of pranks, puns, and inside jokes. Making each other laugh is some families’ love language… and they’re more than fluent!

1. When his mom forgot to submit a senior baby ad for the yearbook, dad cracked his knuckles and typed up this little love note.

2. He sent his sister one solitary square of toilet paper through the mail, and it was delivered.

3. Little sister offered to use her Photoshop skills to spruce up her brother’s school picture. We think she nailed it!

4. This person’s brother is 23, but decided to shave his hair and beard to look like this, just for laughs.

5. “Every year I try to disguise my sister’s Christmas present. This year I think I went a little too far…”

6. He bet his sister if she graduated from college with honors, he’d wear a matching dress to graduation. Say no more, fam.

7. “My dad was the only one at the office today, so he made this picture and sent it to my family.”

8. Way before Photoshop, Grandma doctored this old picture because she didn’t like the way her legs looked.

9. “This is how my 2.5-year-old niece insists on holding her new baby brother.”

10. This is what happens when you leave the baby with dad for a few hours.

11. When your nephew decides to try out the hair clippers…. At least he’s smiling!

12. Their niece hasn’t quite mastered the smokey eye, but she gave it her best shot.

13. He had to have his leg amputated, so his brother showed up at the hospital dressed like a pirate. Arr, matey!

14. Brothers recreated this old photo for their mom. Somehow it has gotten even better with age!

15. In 1988, this dad couldn’t get into a club in Mexico because he was wearing shorts, so he and mom swapped. Who wore it better?

Life is so much better when we have funny people to share it with! Shout out to all the families who go out of their way to make each other laugh as often as possible.

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