15 Heartwarming Photos To Encourage You To Keep On Keepin’ On

Over on Reddit, there’s an entire pocket of the internet that is wholly devoted to people encouraging people.

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In a year where good news has sometimes felt few and far between, we could all use an uplifting tale or heartwarming anecdote. Apparently, we’re not the only ones. This online group called Get Motivated! is now home to 17 million members, and the love, encouragement, and support is strong with each and every one of them. Here are 15 of the most touching stories they’ve shared in their self-made support group.

1. Endurance without bounds.

2. When one door closes, make your own door.

3. Don’t just reach your goals – take the gold!

4. Remember where your heroes started.

5. Yours might be the first kind act someone receives all week.

6. A mantra to live by.

7. There is no obstacle so big that it can keep you from your purpose.

8. Use your circumstances as a vault, not a hurdle.

9. As Bob Ross says, “You can do anything here.”

10. It is never too late to chase those dreams.

11. Remind yourself that you are a hero.

12. Good things come to those who hustle.

13. Collect blessings to share blessings.

14. Look for opportunities to turn someone’s day around. It just might turn their life around.

15. Hold each other up and stay in the race – even if you’re the last ones running the Pittsburgh Marathon.

There is so much more good around us than we know. We just have to look for it – and be it! Encourage a friend, love on a family member, or do a random act of kindness for someone today!

Don’t forget to share these uplifting stories with the people in your life.

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