Wake up with a Smile

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14 Photos That Tell A Story Better Than Any Words Could

a woman with bandages on her face after having surgery to remove skin cancer smiling as she poses with a colorful unicorn milkshake and a large brown dog resting her head on a table with a digital photo frame showing a photo of his owners who are away on vacation

4. “My mom works at a doctors’ office & sent a photo of this patient who showed up w/o an appointment smh.”

a white horse standing at an open door to a doctor's office

Read the sign! Walk-ins are not available!

5. “I received flowers from the police department because I prevented a suicide last Saturday.”

closeup of a jar of flowers

This is both heartbreaking and heartfelt.

6. He never gave up on his dreams!

“When I met this man 5 years ago. He was a dishwasher. When I opened my first restaurant he jumped on board. He has fought daily to be a better person and chef. All around great man and father. Quick to lead, Quick to teach. It was an honor to give him his first Chef coat.”

a chef named Christian medina smiling as he poses with his arms crossed in front of a booth at a restaurant

These are the moments we all live for.

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