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10 Hilarious Memes 90s Kids Will Find All Too Relatable

These 90s memes will make you feel nostalgic.

From the trials and tribulations of dial-up internet to the pressure of raising a Tamagotchi, there are some things you’ll only understand if you grew up in the 90s. Of course, the hardships of the pre-smartphone era were also accompanied by some of life’s most indescribable joys. If you’re feeling nostalgic for the experiences that made your childhood what it was, you can always head over to the Throwback Machine on Instagram! This account is dedicated to memes that capture exactly what it was like being a kid in the 1990s.

You may not be able to travel back in time for real, but these images are guaranteed to bring back some of your fondest memories. Hold onto your fanny packs, because these memes will hit you right in the childhood!

1. If you don’t physically experience these photos, you’re lying.

2. Honestly, this should be on your résumé.

3. Today’s kids will never know…

4. Did we learn nothing from watching this movie?

5. Wow, we really DID understand when we got older!

6. Say what you will, but 90s kids were ahead of their time.

7. Do you think he knows he’s cosplaying Steve?

8. You pretty much only saw these shows when you were sick.

9. TV certainly knew how to get our attention.

10. Streaming services could never.

Phew, that was a lot of nostalgia. We hope these memes made you feel like a kid again!

You can find the source of this story’s featured images here and here.

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