10 Beautiful Tribes Whose Ways Of Life Will Refresh Your Soul.

Jimmy Nelson is perhaps the most dedicated photographer of his generation. He has been known to spend weeks and months at a time gaining the trust of his subjects and consistently departs locations with lasting friends. His early years were filled with travel and instilled a wanderlust that would take him to the farthest reaches of the World.

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Out of this adventurous nature, the Before They project was born. Nelson immersed himself within 35 different tribes documenting, observing and photographing people groups whose ways of life are quickly vanishing. It’s absolutely amazing to see traditions that have not changed in 1,000 years in such vivid, authentic detail.

While these tribes’ ways of life are not perfect, they each possess unique qualities that are refreshing when compared to modern society.

Close bonds, peace, nature, celebrated traditions… check out this list and you will see what we mean!


10 Beautiful Tribes Whose Ways Of Life Refresh Our Souls


1. The Kazakh of Mongolia

Descended from the great Huns, these nomadic tribes have peacefully traveled the Asian Steppes in a similar manner for about 1,000 years.

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