Steve Harvey Loses It When Man Professes Love To Business Partner On Live TV.

steve harvey proposal

We’ve written about some pretty amazing proposals before, but this one left us with chills… and we weren’t alone.

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Host Steve Harvey brought two business partners on his show to discuss their mentoring program for young kids. What one of the guests didn’t know, though, was that her friend had ulterior motives. Zack enlisted Steve to help him profess his love for his best friend, Dione. It was a big risk to take – and on live TV, no less! But even Steve wasn’t prepared for just how far Zack would take his confession.

Steve queued Zack up and he turned to Dione, “Come take a walk with me.”


Suddenly, a new section of the stage opened up and a small room filled with flowers and candles was revealed. As the audience cheered, Zack led Dione into the romantic setting.


Once in position, Zack delivered a truly touching speech.

“Well, Dione, our friendship means more to me than words can really express. I’ve known you for five years now. And I’ve seen you grow. And I’ve seen you develop into this awesome individual … [I] think you’re an awesome mother.”

After admitting that he’s cherished growing their strong friendship, he professes that he is “crazy in love” with Dione. He continues on, saying he now wants to be her friend “and much more … I want to be your protector. I want to be your provider. I want to show our three boys, if you’ll have me, how to love a woman.”


But if Dione was even slightly confused by Zack’s intentions at this point in his speech, everything became incredibly clear when he dropped to one knee.

Zack presented Dione with a truly beautiful ring. Naturally, she said yes!


Watch Zack’s moving proposal below to see Steve’s hilarious reaction when it’s all over. Don’t forget to share this story to spread the love!

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