8-Yr-Old Barber Gives Free Haircuts & Her Big Heart Inspires Entire Community.

A young girl in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is getting into the entrepreneurial spirit and helping members of her community, one haircut at a time.

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P. Michael Boone owns and operates Haute Barber Inc., and he started the Junior Barber Academy to give young men a sense on independence when they go away to college, teaching the skills they need so they can cut their own hair, maybe even run a side business in the dorms.


Neijae Graham-Henries was just seven years old when her older brother went to orientation, but when he decided not to pursue the program, she jumped in with both feet. She was not only the youngest, but the only girl in the class, P. Michael Boone recalls.


“I never expected to see a young lady in my class, but she was eager to learn, and I gave her the same guidance I’d give my older students,”he adds.

Undaunted, this little trooper kept up with everyone else during the six-week course and completed all the same assignments, and by the end, she proudly held a certificate of completion in her little hands.

neijae certificate

It didn’t take long for her to put it to use. Between 300 and 400 children showed up at the salon last month for a back-to-school event, and this determined second-grade student – who’s since turned 8 years old – helped cut hair alongside her teacher!


P. Michael Boone says he tries to instill a sense of community service in his students, and encourage them to give haircuts to children their age as well as older adults. But Neijae has inspired him to take it a step further, and he’ll be setting a day aside at the salon next month to cut hair for the homeless. And, of course, Neijae will be there right beside him, clippers at the ready.


Watch the video below to hear more about this heart-warming story. We all have our own unique talents, so be sure to share to inspire more people to find a way to use them in their own communities.

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