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“When My Brother Died At 25 We Thought We Would Never See Him Again… Then Came You”

A two-photo collage. The first shows a close up of a little baby boy. He's playfully scrunching up his nose and reaching out in the direction of the camera. The second image shows a different little boy who is older. He's playfully scrunching up his nose in the same way as the baby as he reaches out his hands as if imitating an animal.

When someone we love passes away, they never truly leave us. That’s because, no matter how much time passes, they’re still with us in spirit. This can be seen in the way they influence how we view the world or even a shared sense of humor. Sometimes, though, a lost love one can be seen in other people we love — even those that never got the chance to meet them. That’s certainly the case for Courtney Byers. Her baby boy is so much like her late brother, it’s amazing.

According to a post Courtney made on TikTok, her brother passed away when he was only 25 years old. Naturally, Courtney believed that she would never see him again. And although that is true in the literal sense, she had no idea the similarities him and her son would share until recently.

A man smiles as he sits at a dining table. Text on the image reads: "When my brother died At 25 we thought we would never see him again..."

In Courtney’s post, she shares photos of both her brother, Don, and her son. It’s absolutely amazing how similar these two look. The most shocking resemblance can be seen in a photo from when Don was little.

Woman Finds Comfort in Her Baby Being So Much Like Her Late Brother

In the photo, Don playfully scrunches up his nose like he’s an animal ready to attack. Then, in a recent photo of Courtney’s little one, he’s making the exact same face. This uncanny resemblance has meant so much to Courtney.

A two-photo collage. The first shows a close up of a little baby boy. He's playfully scrunching up his nose and reaching out in the direction of the camera. The second image shows a different little boy who is older. He's playfully scrunching up his nose in the same way as the baby as he reaches out his hands as if imitating an animal.

Best of all, their likeness doesn’t end with their looks. Courtney says that her brother’s “bigger than life personality spills out of my baby boy.” As you can imagine, this has brought so much comfort to not only Courtney but the rest of her family.

“I was always so hurt because my family all had dreams of [Don] after he passed away, but I never did,” Courtney shares in the comments of her post. “I feel like this is so much better, it just took time.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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