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Wedding Guests Leap To Rescue Stranded Dog From Fast-Flowing Stream.

two men saving a dog. one is laying down and leaning over the edge of a concrete base while the other man holds onto him. the man laying down is lifting a dog by his collar. there’s a flowing river below them.

No amount of planning can prevent a wedding from having mishaps, but having heroic guests can certainly help!

During this wedding celebration, things took a turn when guests noticed a dog in need of help. Somehow, the poor little guy had found himself clinging to a concrete base along a quick-flowing river. Saving him wouldn’t be easy, but that didn’t stop this man from jumping into action!

In a video capturing the moment, the man can be seen taking his nice coat off before looking over the edge of the concrete base. He lays down and reaches as far as he can in hopes of grabbing onto the pup. When that doesn’t work, another guest joins by holding onto him so he can safely reach even farther than before.

With this added help, the man is able to grasp the dogs collar in a way that allows him to get him back onto dry land! The terrified dog was unsure if he could trust his two rescuers at first but, less than a minute later, he was happily following along, almost as if to say, “Thank you!”

Watch these heroic wedding guests in action below, and don’t forget to share.

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