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WATCH: Wagon Full Of Adorable Golden Retriever Puppies Getting A Checkup!

A dozen golden retriever puppies going to the vet in a wagon for their first check up.

Breeding puppies responsibly requires a particular type of person. When you breed golden retrievers and have an even dozen of the little scamps, their first few trips to the vet can be an adventure! This person seems prepared. To take these golden retriever puppies to the vet, she piled the pups into a wagon, where they (surprisingly) stayed reasonably calm.

a dozen golden retriever puppies going to the vet for a checkup
Image from TikTok.

The veterinarian technicians were excited to see this wagonful of mischief roll into the clinic. The vet checked each little golden retriever puppy. A technician in the back took care of weighing them all. One pup kept a watchful eye on the “scary” doc to ensure its siblings were being treated well.

Image shows a nervous pup getting an exam from the vet while its sibling looks on from a wagon carrying a dozen goldens.
Image from TikTok.

After the weigh-ins and examinations, the largest hit the scales at 12 pounds! These happy little pups are all healthy and playful!

Image shows one puppy on the scale with words that say, "The biggest one was 12 pounds!!!"
Image from TikTok.

The vet team worked like a well-oiled machine as they worked their way through all twelve puppies. We’re not sure how they managed to keep them all straight. The human Mom helped keep them wrangled inside the wagon as the team cared for all the puppy’s needs.

One of a dozen goldens getting some extra loving from a veterinarian technician while checking in at the office.
Image from TikTok.

Each pup got a good dose of loving on the way to the scale. Check out the entire clip below to see a wagon with a dozen golden retriever puppies visiting the vet and being totally adorable! It’s like hauling a full load of sunshine! Send this to a friend to brighten their day!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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