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Ukrainian Mom Bursts Into Tears When She Sees Her Children Safe And Sound.

a woman named anna semyuk hugs her two young children after reuniting with them while people with cameras and a woman named nataliya ableyeva watch

As a Ukrainian man and his two young children were trying to flee the country, boarder guards stopped them. Because the man was between the ages of 18 and 60, Martial Law dictated that he had to stay.

The children’s mother would have been able to take them but, unfortunately, she was in Italy at the time. Their plan was to meet in Hungary, but without an adult to go with the kids, they needed to come up with a new plan.

After weighing their options, this loving dad chose to take a leap of faith. He found a woman in the crowd of people waiting to leave and asked if she would help get his children to the Hungarian border to meet up with their mom.

It was a massive responsibility to take on, especially for a stranger, but Nataliya Ableyeva understood all to well the tough decisions every Ukrainian is having to make right now.

Even though she doesn’t have young children herself, Nataliya is a mom to two adults. She wanted to seek refuge with them, but since one is a police officer and the other is a nurse, they can’t leave. So, instead, Nataliya made the tough decision to cross the boarder alone… or so she thought.

Instead, she chose to take this stranger’s kids with her.

Their journey from Ukraine to the tents set up for refugees just on the other side of the Hungarian border was long, but once they made it, the children didn’t have to wait long to finally be reunited with their mom, Anna Semyuk.

The three of them were sitting on a bench when the son got a call from her – Anna wanted to let them know that she was almost there. This joyous news immediately prompted the little boy to cry.

The tears continued to flow when Anna officially arrived, and she held her children tight. But she also took the time to do the same to Nataliya, the person responsible for making this moment possible.

The two of them cried together as they embraced, and Anna shared that she hoped that she, too, would be reunited with her own children soon.

Watch this tear-jerking reunion below and don’t forget to share.

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