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“Turtle Whisperer” Summons Reptilian Friends With Rousing Rendition Of “Crazy Train”

violin turtle

A man showcased that music is the universal language when he played a violin remix of Crazy Train near a pond and summoned several turtles to land.

The musician, Clejan, who also goes by The Trapt Violinist, posted a video to his Instagram page that proved his story to be true. While playing the remix, called Let’s Go, which he wrote himself, a hoard of turtles immediately came swimming toward the sound. The reptiles swam around the shore, and a few peaked their tiny heads out of the water.

“I didn’t expect this,” he captioned over the footage.

In the comments, followers couldn’t believe it either. They were stunned by how interested the animals were.

“Pied Piper’s cousin,” someone joked.

“Music brings EVERYONE together,” another follower noted.

“It could possibly be that everything in nature loves music in some form,” a fan wrote. “Music is starting and stopping of vibrations. Everything is made of vibrations. So to feel it happening in a different way could be life-changing.”

The Musician Brought His Violin Back For An Encore And Even More Turtles Turned Out

The comment about vibrations may be true for turtles. According to studies, turtles have very limited hearing. However, they’re particularly capable of picking up deep vibrations and sound frequencies, especially when they’re underwater.

Typically, hearing those vibrations helps them detect when a predator is nearby. But in this case, the turtles came toward the sound of Clejan’s violinist instead of fleeing. So, we like to think his amazing music has a more calming and mystical effect on them.

In a follow-up video, Clejan showed the skeptical viewers that the event wasn’t simply by chance. While sitting on the shore, he played the theme of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and masses of turtles crawled from the water and listened to the mini-concert on land.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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