Med Student’s Hilarious Tale Of “Survival” While Trapped In Elevator Goes Viral.

med student elevator

Most doctors would probably have a simple piece of advice if you ever found yourself trapped in a small, confined space for an indeterminate amount of time: Don’t freak out.

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But when a medical student named Joseph was on his way to work, the elevator suddenly stopped dead in its tracks. Finding himself trapped, Joseph decided to Snapchat the entire event as if he were describing a true life-or-death scenario. The seconds dragged on to minutes, which dragged on to… an hour.

Yes, he was rescued from the stuck elevator in about 60 minutes, but that didn’t stop him from telling an epic tale of survival that would make Tom Hanks’ character in “Cast Away” feel inadequate!

This strictly tongue-in-cheek story is simply perfect, from start to finish. Check out Joseph’s Snapchats below to watch the fun unfold.

Bored Panda

It had to be getting at least one or *gasp* two degrees hotter in there!

Bored Panda

Thank goodness it didn’t have to come to that!

Bored Panda

He’s a med student, he can do anything!

Bored Panda

You never know… it could help!

Bored Panda

Very apt.

Bored Panda

This had to be hard since he couldn’t see the sun.

Bored Panda

He was barely recognizable!

Bored Panda

Show off.

Bored Panda

Last resort, folks.

Bored Panda

I know his pain.

Bored Panda

We can only hope it will be a smooth transition.

Bored Panda

What a story! We’re so proud of you for staying so calm under pressure, Joseph. You’re so brave!

Share this story with someone who could use a good laugh today.

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