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Toddler Sings Adorable Version Of “What A Wonderful World” To Baby Sister.

Some moments in life are so precious that they take our breath away.

In the long months leading up to having a newborn, parents work hard to prepare their homes and hearts for their babies. Those who have kids already also have to get them ready to greet and be kind to their youngest sibling. Of course, that can be extremely difficult, so when we see evidence of these lessons sinking in, we can’t help but feel the love.


In one of the sweetest viral videos we’ve ever had the pleasure of viewing, we meet a little boy whose parents clearly taught him a thing or two about being a big brother. When he takes his sister in his arms, he becomes everything they must have hoped for!

Cradling the infant (who is absolutely adorable swaddled in a soft pink blanket), he stares down at her with such obvious love and tenderness. Then he starts singing the song he prepared to welcome her into his life: “What A Wonderful World.”

He couldn’t have picked anything more perfect! The words are so wistful and full of hope, and when we hear them whispered in this toddler’s voice, our hearts burst wide open. We honestly can’t help it, so imagine how much more his family treasured this unforgettable moment!


Is it just us, or is his little sister actually smiling up at him? Yes, we know infants take time to develop their “social smiles,” but the adoring way she gazes up at him cannot be a coincidence. After all, she seems to recognize her brother’s voice, proving that the two of them are well on their way to developing an incredible bond.

Watch the sweet video below and be sure to share with anyone you know who needs a smile today.

Little boy holds his new born sister for the first time… 😠from r/HumansBeingBros

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