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Timeless: Susan Boyle Singing “The Way We Were” At 23 Proves She Was Always A Star

Susan Boyle in 1984 singing into a mic.

The talented Susan Boyle quickly became a hit in 2009 with her audition on Britain’s Got Talent. Despite the doubt she faced from judges before even getting the chance to sing, she went on to blow them away with her rendition of I Dreamed a Dream from Les Misérables. Best of all, she’s had quite a successful career ever since. As fans continue to look forward to what Boyle will do next, they’re also appreciating a blast from the singer’s past.

Although Boyle became a hit in 2009, she’s been singing publicly for much longer. In fact, she entered a local singing competition in 1984. It took place at Fir Park Social Club in Motherwell. Here, this remarkable singer delivered her own version of Barbra Streisand’s The Way We Were. Luckily, there’s video footage! Check out the performance in the video below.

Part of what’s so cool about this video is the fact that it’s the earliest on-camera gig of Boyle. So the fact that it’s still around, and we’re able to watch it, feels particularly special! It’s crazy to think that the woman in that video has no idea the amazing things she will experience in her future. It’s a great reminder that you never know where your life will take you!

Earliest On-Camera Performance by Susan Boyle Shows Her Take On The Way We Were by Barbra Streisand

Needless to say, fans of Boyle are absolutely loving that this video exists! This is especially true for those who are also big fans of Streisand.

“It’s unbelievable how her talent was ignored for so much time,” one fan writes in the comment section of the viral video.

“There are millions of great singers in the world — but only some have that certain something that make people react to them,” another writes. “Susan is one of those!”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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