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“Walmart Rockstars” Pick Up Toy Guitar And Proceed To Blow Millions Away.

You’ve probably never heard of the “Walmart Rockstars,” but give them 3 minutes of your day, and they’ll blow you away!

On a random night back in 2013, musicians Clay Shelburn and Zac Stokes entered into Youtube stardom as the “Walmart Rockstars.” It all went down in the toys section of a local Walmart when Clay decided to pick up a toy plastic guitar. What happened next is Youtube history!

With Zac holding the camera phone and singing backup, Clay began plucking the opening notes to Stevie Ray Vaughn’s classic blues song “Pride and Joy.” This tune is hard enough to play on a normal-sized guitar, so when people saw him play it with a tiny kid’s guitar they shared the video like crazy!

Clay and Zac’s spontaneous performance has over 8 million views. It’s truly amazing to see how hours of practice allowed Clay to play a near-perfect version of this song on the spot with a rinky-dink guitar.

Share this video to spread that good rhythm ‘n blues feeling!

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