The Millionaire Garbage Man Is Everyone’s Newest Hero

Millionaire Garbage Man

If you had millions of dollars, how would you spend your free time? Korean millionaire investor, Mr. Yo – a.k.a. “The Boss of Cleaning” – currently lives in Bahrain and spends his free time picking up trash and cleaning the neighborhood.

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He found something he thought was wrong and chose to do something about it. So now, every morning, he wakes up and spends hours cleaning the streets… and he’s been doing it for 11 years! If you do the math, that’s over 4,015 days he’s been spreading the culture of cleanliness to help the society of Bahrain.

As one man says in this video, “Today [Mr. Yo] is an example of simplicity, modesty and beautiful presence. [He is] truly a role model to the youth.” Just think, what would happen if each one of us picked up the trash in front of them?

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