“That’s Not Our Dog.” Couple Wakes Up To Strange Dog Snuggling In Their Bed.

Animals really do have a way of bringing people together. Just ask this couple who recently went through a very interesting experience with their neighbors’ dog.

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It all started when Julie and Jimmy Johnson were snoozing in their bed in Benton, Tennessee when suddenly, they felt a dog slip between the sheets with them. Since they’ve got three dogs who often sleep with them, they didn’t think much of it. But as the sun started to rise, Julie realized this dog… was not her dog.

“I rolled over on my side of the bed, and said, ‘No, no, no that’s not our dog,'” Julie recalled.

The reddish-tan dog was sound asleep with her head right on Julie’s pillow. She realized right away that they must have left a door open overnight, giving the dog an opportunity to bed-hop.

She groggily snapped a few pictures of the bedroom intruder and posted them on Facebook, typing out what she admits is “the weirdest post I have ever had to make.”

“It is absolutely normal to wake up in our house with one of OUR dogs in the bed with us,” she wrote. “One small problem, THIS IS NOT OUR DOG, nor do we know how she got in our house. At first, we thought it was one of ours, but they rarely lay on the pillows! In pitch darkness, I just assumed it was. Wouldn’t we all? As daylight began to creep in through our curtains we realized we were snuggling with someone else’s dog. Is this your dog?”

The post went viral and led to a private message from the dog’s owners: Cris Hawkins and Felecia Johnson. Once Julie confirmed they were indeed the rightful owners (Cris and Felecia sent pictures), she invited them over to collect their very naughty dog.

It turns out that Nala lives about two miles away. When Cris showed up at their house to collect the dog, Nala was still cuddled up with Jimmy in bed!

Later, Cris shared her version of the story on Facebook as well.

“Our overly friendly pup, Nala, has hit an all time record for ignoring personal space and added yet another trick to her long list of houdini acts,” she wrote. “She slipped her collar yesterday while being walked, ran down the street to a neighbor’s house, somehow managed to get IN their house, and climbed into bed with them in the middle of the night. The woman and her husband have 3 dogs of their own that all sleep in bed with them. None of their dogs reacted to a random dog climbing into bed with them and the couple didn’t even realize that it wasn’t their dog in bed with them, until the sun started to come up.”

Cris went on to thank Julie and Jimmy for having a such a wonderful sense of humor about the situation. In fact, thanks to Nala, a friendship has developed between the two couples.

“Nala and her moms are no longer strangers to us!” Julie updated a few days later. “Yesterday, our puppy playdate was a lot of fun and the pups loved the attention and the ice cream. We also had a long talk to the four of them about asking permission before spend the night parties commence!”

How sweet is this? Julie and Jimmy are our kinds of folks — they woke up with a random dog and wound up making new friends!

Watch Julie’s video below to see their ice cream playdate, and don’t forget to share.

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