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Busy Teacher Has Sweetest 1-On-1 With Student Struggling With Quarantine.

Because of the novel coronavirus, teachers are having to come up with creative ways to connect with their students. Not to mention, those with children of their own are also busy homeschooling. To say they have a lot on their plates is an understatement!

First-grade teacher Katie Ricca of Florida has been hosting daily story time sessions with her class on Zoom – in addition to supporting her five little ones. So when she went above and beyond for one struggling student, the child’s mom couldn’t stop singing her praises!


During one of their many Zoom calls, Katie noticed a girl named Hannah had shut down in the middle of the lesson. “Our class tried talking to her, but you could tell something was bothering her,” Katie said later. When Hannah left the meeting early, she became worried.

Once class was over, Katie texted Kelley Close, her mom, to check in and found out Hannah “was sad but didn’t know why.” Upon hearing this, Katie asked if she could pop over the next day for a surprise visit. Kelley said yes and captured a sweet picture of them.

“Today her teacher came over and hung out for a bit,” Kelley wrote on Facebook. “They chatted, read books, and just talked. This woman has FIVE kids at home and STILL she sat in my driveway for an hour to make sure Hannah was okay. Y’all…”


For Katie, spending time with Hannah wasn’t a sacrifice. “Seeing my student upset, I knew I had to show her I care,” the teacher explained. “She didn’t need more math practice; she needed me to show her I understood her feelings and that she wasn’t alone.”

In the hour Katie took away from homeschooling her own children that day, she gave comfort and a sweet memory to a little girl in need.

Lift people’s spirits (and spread Katie’s wisdom) by sharing this story, and check out the Coronavirus Good News Dashboard for more joy and hope.

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