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Tango, A Terminally Ill Hospice Dog, Scares Off Burglar Breaking Into Home

Close up of Tango, eyes wide as he holds a toy in his mouth.

Who says that a guard dog has to be a large breed? Tango is proof that even a small hospice dog can be a hero! This sweet pup has been through a lot lately. He’s in renal failure and has a heart murmur. No longer able to care for Tango, his last family surrendered him to the Animal Rescue League of Iowa (ARL).

Here, he entered the shelter’s Golden Paw Hospice foster program. The goal is to ensure more terminally ill pets live in the comfort of a home rather than a shelter. This way, they live out the rest of their days happily, should they not find a permanent home in time. Best of all, the shelter covers all medical costs and works closely with the foster families to maintain their four-legged friends health.

Tango stands on the back of a couch, staring out of a window.

Tango’s foster family has been enjoying his company for a while, but after last week, they’re all-the-more grateful for the talkative pup. Without his humans realizing it, intruders broke into the house.

Without hesitating, tiny Tango barked away at the strangers in his newest home, scaring them off in the process. He did this so quickly, in fact, that they were only able to get away with a few small items. Plus, his humans were made aware of the situation, too!

Brave Hospice Dog Scares Intruders, Becoming a Hero

Close up of Tango, eyes wide as he holds a toy in his mouth.

“As a special thank you, Tango’s foster family attempted to reward him with a French fry – a rare bit of human food that he is usually not allowed,” ARL shares on Instagram. “Tango turned it down and demanded cuddles instead!”

Although the family is still shaken up by the burglary, they can rest assure that Tango has their back.

“… they’ve told us Tango is back on duty, spending the day watching out his window from a pile of pillows on the back of the couch and alerting them to anything suspicious,” ARL continues.

Tango sits on the back of a couch next to a window. He's wrapped in a blanket as he looks wistfully outside.

Tango is a hero to his foster family, of course, but word of his bravery has spread far beyond Iowa. What a great reminder that pets of all ages and health make the perfect companions!

“Tango is in renal failure and has a heart murmur, but he clearly still has tons of spirit and great quality of life,” the rescue says. “He is a perfect example of why our Golden Paw Hospice foster program exists, and his foster family is committed to having him as part of their family for as long as he has left.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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