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Student’s Ecstatic College Acceptance Celebration Goes Viral.

two images of a man running on a street and cheering

Getting into college can be terrifying. You apply, cross your fingers and toes, and wait months to hear back! One little letter in the mail, or an e-mail in your inbox, determines the fate of the next four years of your life.

For this sweet Philadelphia senior, his college acceptance came from his dream school. His mom received the email, and apparently, let out quite a gasp!

After reading for himself, this senior took off in a gleeful sprint. You can see him jumping up and down with joy, absolutely pumped about getting into his dream school!

Folks in the comment section shared Amir’s joy!

“Made me smile wide!!!! Welcome to the Spelhouse Fam!” commented one alumni of Morehouse.

“This is so dope! Congratulations young man. I remember that feeling when I received my acceptance letter to Morehouse,” said another.

Amir is now attending Morehouse to study sociology. If his story proves anything, it’s that you shouldn’t be afraid to follow your dreams. Sometimes, they just happen to come true!

The featured image for this post is from Instagram.

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