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Steve Harvey’s Emotional & Very Personal Response to Woman’s Stutter.

Steve Harvey had his eye on a career in the entertainment field even as a young kid, but no one who knew him back then ever would have believed he’d end up where he is today. His secret past was revealed during a recent Q & A session on his show.

A 25-year-old woman  came forward and admitted that she was hopeful for love, but no one seemed to take her seriously because of her stutter. ” [I don’t] want men to call it cute, I want to be taken seriously,” she told him.

And little did she know she came to the perfect person, because the best person to give advice on overcoming anything is from someone who’s been through it himself.

steve harvey stutter guest

That’s right, Steve Harvey, host of numerous shows including “Little Big Shots” had a severe stutter as a kid.

Steve admitted, that as a child, he was terrified of public speaking but equally determined to make it in show biz. According to Stutteringhelp.org,  a man who worked at a local deli helped him overcome his affliction with one piece of advice: “He taught me before you say anything, say it to yourself three times, take your time, and speak on the exhale.â€

All these years later, through hard work and perseverance, look where he is now!

steve harvey tv
He comforts her by telling her that stuttering isn’t physical, it’s psychological. Which makes sense, because people don’t stutter when they read or think out loud, it’s just when they’re speaking to an audience, even just an audience of one.

She was stuttering because of, “… the anticipation that you’re going to stutter.”

steve harvey stutter expression

But what makes the anxiety worse? People’s expressions.

So he decides to show her how to handle all of those little anxieties and calls her on stage.

steve harvey stutter exercise

Standing about 15 feet away from each other, Steve reminds her to think about her answer three times before responding, then throws a softball: “How you doing today?”

Watch how this exercise plays out in the clip below, and share to spread Steve’s words of wisdom!

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