South Korean Hikers Crash DJ’s Video With Impromptu (And Wholesome) Dance Party.

three folks dancing on a mountain

Sometimes you just need a dance party… on a mountain… with a group of hikers who don’t speak the same language!

Videos by InspireMore

DJ Chris Luno was playing some tracks on top of the Dolomites in Italy when a hyped-up duo of South Korean hikers entered the scene.

This image is from Instagram.

Immediately, the man broke into dance. His joy was palpable.

He quickly started beckoning his wife to join in the party! She had inspected the live stream but was a bit resistant to dancing.

Finally, she let the music take over and broke into dance with her husband. It was absolutely adorable. These hikers were having a full-on dance party!

This video has taken the Internet by storm, inspiring folks from all over to take some time to dance today.

“I watched this 3 times, why is this making me smile so much?” commented one fan of the clip.

“If I was hiking and came across something like this, I’d be LOVING it. This made me smile!” said another viewer.

Check out the full clip below and, if you have an opportunity for a dance party today… take it!

The featured image for this post is from Instagram.

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