Sheriff’s Deputies Line Up To Escort Fallen Officer’s Son To His 1st Day Of School.

police lined up to shake little boy's hand outside school

The first day of school can be a stressful time for kids, but having loved ones at their side makes everything just a little bit easier.

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Joziah Longoria of Texas lost his father, Frio County corporal detective Justin Longoria, in an auto accident last spring. It’s been difficult for his family, but his dad’s brothers and sisters in blue were determined to stand by the little man as he embarked on his first day of kindergarten. When Joziah arrived that morning, a dozen uniformed officers were waiting to walk him in, offering hugs and handshakes to their favorite “little deputy.”

“The FCSO is now and will always be family to his young boys. Justin Longoria was an amazing young man and investigator,” Chief Deputy Pedro Salinas said. “He loved serving his community and his loss has left our agency feeling incomplete. Being able to put a smile on his children’s faces allows us to feel whole once again be it ever so briefly. He will forever be missed.”

Check out Joziah’s emotional police escort in the video below, and don’t forget to share this story to touch someone’s heart today.

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