Sheba Comes Home! Thanks To Microchip, Dog Stolen 5 Yrs Ago Sees Her Family Again.

If it was possible to wish for something and have it come true immediately, Sheba the dog would have come home five years ago.

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The then-2-year-old German shepherd was stolen right out of her own front yard in January 2018. Owner Stephanie Malstrom recalls seeing the theft on their security camera and despairing over their lost family member. Sheba was one of five other dogs stolen from their Baytown, Texas community in two month’s time.

“You see a truck slowly creeping by and stop,” Stephanie recalled as she watched the footage. “She’s such a loving animal. She went right to him, thinking she was going to go for a ride. And she hasn’t been back.”

The story made the local news, but no one came forward with any information. Until now!

Nearly five years after Sheba was taken, Stephanie got a text message that boggled her mind. Sheba was microchipped, and the service alerted her that the dog had been found!

“I was like, ‘No way,'” Stephanie said. “This is insane. Like I won $1 million and a cruise also.”

Incredibly, Sheba was located clear across the state of Texas in a small town called Borger. Somehow, Sheba had landed 600 miles from home. She’d been wandering in town when Borger Animal Control Officer Jared Harper spotted her.

“Her behavior just showed me this isn’t the normal dog running loose,” said Officer Harper.

The attentive officer checked for a microchip and looked up Stephanie’s information in the microchip database. When he saw that Sheba had been stolen over four years ago, he was determined to get the dog back home to her rightful family!

Stephanie and her family were overjoyed to learn that Sheba was coming home.

“We were all crying,” Stephanie said. “Me and my girls were just boohooing.”

The officer shared pictures of Sheba with her family, and they all worked together to arrange a flight home for the dog. They couldn’t wait to enjoy a steak dinner with Sheba to make up for lost time.

Stephanie hopes that their story will remind people to get their pets microchipped in case they’re ever lost or stolen. Without her chip and this animal control officer, Sheba might still be lost instead of getting showered with love in her warm, safe home.

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