Seeing Double: Grandma Stunned While Meeting Her Newest Family Member

woman with baby

There’s hardly anything sweeter than watching a grandparent greet their newest grandbaby. But this grandma got a gift she wasn’t expecting — surprise twins! This video is guaranteed to make you smile.

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Grandma was enjoying holding one sweet newborn. Her face was full of bliss when, suddenly, her son-in-law came out holding… another newborn?

The shock on this woman’s face was extreme. Grandma couldn’t have been more amazed and excited to meet these surprise twin babies!

Like a real pro, she kept a solid hold on one of the little ones while she reacted to the other newborn. Looking back and forth between both parents, she was totally appalled that there were two new grandbabies to love!

surprised grandma with baby
This image is from Instagram.

“Imagine thinking your daughter had birth to one child and then she brings in the other, her mothers reaction is priceless,” read the video caption.

Folks in the captions couldn’t believe that someone could keep such an exciting surprise a secret from their mother. But what a cool thing to pull off!

“I love how she doubled checked the babies,” said one viewer, commenting about Grandma’s immediate response to the surprise twins.

surprised woman with baby
This image is from Instagram.

“if my daughter surprised me with twins, it’d be the best surprise of my life,” wrote another viewer. “It’d be a moment you would never forget and tell all your friends for the rest of your life.”

So true.

What an exciting day this must have been for the entire family. These little surprise twins are going to grow up surrounded by love from their parents, siblings, and of course, Grandma!

What do you think — could you pull off a surprise like this? I’m definitely too much of a blabber mouth, but I’d love to see my mom make that face!

The featured image for this post is from Instagram.

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