Preschool Teacher Takes 2nd Job To Make Sure Her Students Have Christmas Presents.

Renee Dixson is the preschool director at Lynhurst Baptist Church in Indiana. She has always taken her role in her students’ lives very seriously, and since this year has been challenging for many of them, she’s been working extra hard.

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Because of the novel coronavirus pandemic, many of her kids’ lives have changed dramatically. Renee said some of their parents are now relying on food banks to feed their families, which means any extra money they have will go to essentials, not to Christmas gifts. That’s why Renee has taken it upon herself to make these little ones smile!

In addition to her day job at the preschool, Renee has started driving for Uber to earn some extra money. But she won’t be keeping it for herself. Instead, she’ll buy gifts for all 50 of her students and her staff members.

She plans to work until Christmas Eve if that’s what it takes to get everything she needs.

Thankfully, she isn’t doing this alone! Several people in her community have stepped up and donated to her cause. Between their help and her Uber income, she has been able to make massive trips to Target to stock up on toys. In fact, her office is quickly filling up with presents for her students!

“I know how it feels to be down as a child because your parent doesn’t have anything,” she said. “These children, their world just turned upside down on ‘em, no fault of theirs.”

She feels that if she didn’t do this for them, she would be letting them down. With or without presents, it’s obvious that she could never disappoint them because she clearly goes above and beyond for them!

“Everyone always told me I have a big heart,” she added. “I said, ‘No, I love children.'”

It’s safe to say both are true for this selfless individual! Thank you, Renee, for making sure everyone has a wonderful time this holiday season!

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