Woman Feeds Stray Dog, But Her Heart Melts When He Returns Daily With “Thank You” Gifts.

Sometimes when we have nothing else to give and no other way to repay a kindness, the only way we can express gratitude is with a word or two of thanks, a warm embrace, a gentle kiss, or a silent nod.

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Like the sweet little stray dog in this beautiful story, who found the most endearing way to communicate his gratitude to the woman who regularly feeds him and his mother, along with many more of his street brethren.

The Dodo

For years, Orawan Kaewla-iat has taken it upon herself to feed the stray dogs in her community in Thailand, laying out metal bowls of rice for her charges to eat each day. A pup and his mother eventually began coming out to join in the feedings, and a sweet gesture soon set the little guy apart from the rest of the pack.

While the other dogs dig right in to the bowls, Tua Plu — whose name translates to “winged bean”— offers a token gift in exchange for the free meal.


“When he’s hungry, he will offer something to get fed,” Orawan says. “Every day he shows up with an object in his mouth – usually a leaf and sometimes a piece of paper. Before you feed other dogs, you have to feed Tua Plu and his mom.â€

One segment of the daily exchange caught on video shows him standing at the top of a concrete staircase, a large spear-shaped leaf in his mouth, his tail wagging broadly from side to side. The video then cuts to Tua Plu — a cream-colored cutie with splashes of orange on his coat — dipping his head into a metal bowl filled with rice, his eyes half closed in contentment as he begins to eat.


Orawan’s story has since reached a worldwide audience and gained the polite pup a legion of fans. Fortunately, some of those admirers have expressed interest in adopting him, since Orawan will be moving soon and wants to make sure he’ll continue to be cared for.

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