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Punxsutawney Phil & His Wife Phyllis Have An Important Announcement

Punxsutawney Phil

Punxsutawney Phil and his wife, Phyllis, are now the proud parents of a son and daughter, who recently earned their official names—and they’re absolutely perfect.

The legendary rodent and his longtime partner became first-time parents when their twins were born in March, mere weeks after Phil predicted an early spring.

The babies came as a complete shock to Phil and Phyllis’s keepers. No one knew that Phyllis was pregnant. And someone discovered the babies when they went to feed the happy couple one morning. The babies were joyful surprises nonetheless.

Punxsutawney Phil’s friends announced the births on his Facebook page shortly after and asked his fans to help name them. The ballots were open from April 30 to May 9.

To commemorate Phyllis’ first Mother’s Day,  The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club Inner Circle‘s President Tom Dunkel and Vice President Dan McGinley held a ceremony to announce their designation.

Punxsutawney Phil’s Babies Have Fitting Names

With reporters gathered ’round, Tom and Dan stood in Punxsutawney Phil’s Pennsylvania home, Gobbler’s Knob, wearing their finest formal attire and top hats. And they read the news from an old tyme scroll.

“Here ye, here ye, here ye! Now on this 12th of May, in the town of Punxy Phil, the news is not about the weather, spring air, or winter’s chill. No, today, the first family of groundhogs has grown. Punxsutawney Phil and wife, Phyllis, had two kits of their own,” read Dan.

“Born to royalty, a boy and a girl, names have been chosen to share with the world,” he continued. “Welcome with us as we say hello to little girl, Sunny, and a boy, Shadow. With pride and joy as the kids play, from Punxatawney, happy Mother’s Day!”

We wish a lifetime of happiness to Punxsutawney Phil and Phyllis and their children Sunny and Shadow!

This story’s featured image is by Jeff Swensen/Getty Images.

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