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Please Drop Everything And Admire These 15 Adorable Animal Pics Right Meow.

chocolate lab puppies eating and tiny turtle baby

There are some photos that are so outrageously adorable, you can’t help but smile.

Since we’re in the business of making people smile, it’s our duty to alert you to a new batch of the cutest, most incredibly sweet animal photos ever uploaded. From French-speaking dogs to tiny owls you can hold in the palm of your hand, these 15 photos are guaranteed to brighten your day.

1. Who knew baby turtles had such cantankerous looks on their faces?

2. Have you ever seen a calf sunbathing in the grass before? Now you have!

3. Even the ducks inside Disney’s Magic Kingdom are flat-out adorable.

4. How do we say this delicately? It might be time to lay off the acorns for a while, buddy.

5. All tucked in for the night in their own little beds.

6. Oh look! A mouse that actually looks like a mouse!

7. “Done being an outdoor cat.”

8. Bonjour, mon ami!

9. “Calliope hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the U.S., weighting only 2-3 grams! They feed on nectar and help pollinate many species of flowering plants.”

10. Here we see four ferocious omnivores at play.

11. If you’re not wearing a Guinea pig as a hat, do you even love fashion?

12. Mom is just happy these brutes are no longer nursing.

13. You know you live in the country when the local wildlife stops by for kisses.

14. His fur looks like velvet! Will bribe with more parsley if we can pet him.

15. We’ve got room in our other pocket for a tiny hedgehog!

There, don’t you feel better? It’s hard not to see the beautiful side of life when faced with such wholesome beauty!

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