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Pilot Honors His Flight Attendant Mom With A Surprise On Their 1st Day Working Together.

A pilot smiles as he looks over at his flight-attendant mom who looks happily surprised.

While on a United Airlines flight to Madrid, passengers sat quietly as their pilot gave the usual briefing… or so they thought. Turns out, it was a special day for Cole Doss, and he wanted to let everyone know about it. Him and his Mom have been working at United for two years now, but it wasn’t until recently that they were put on the same flight together.

To show gratitude for his Mom, who is someone he can always count on, he started by letting everyone know that while all of the flight attendants on board are exceptional, there was only one he could also call his “exceptional Mom.”

“She’s been one of my biggest supporters in life and my career in becoming a pilot ever since my very first flight lesson,” Cole said. “I’m especially honored and excited to be able to fly her for the first time today and to be able to share this experience with all of you on our flight to Madrid.”

Watch Cole’s heartwarming speech for his Mom in the video below.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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