In A Nutty Victory, 1 Pet Squirrel Stops Home Burglar In His Tracks.

Squirrels do more than climb trees and gather food. Apparently, the fluffy-tailed animals guard our homes, too.

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One man’s pet squirrel not only kept a would-be burglar at bay, but he also helped police identify the suspect. Amazing, right?

Adam Pearl found the squirrel in his yard a few years ago and took care of him. The squirrel, named Joey, was just a baby, and Adam bottle-fed him until he was strong enough to eat on his own.

“His eyes weren’t even open,” Adam recalled. “He was about the size of a Bic lighter when we first got him.”

As he cared for Joey, Adam says he just wanted Joey to be able to take care of himself. Over time, Joey grew more self-sufficient, and he became part of the family.

And then one day an intruder attempted to rob Adam. Joey decided he wasn’t going to let that happen on his watch! Joey defended his home and kept the man – who was believed to be after Adam’s gun safe – from taking very many of Adam’s belongings.

It’s not everyday one is attacked by a squirrel, but this was no ordinary woodland creature. Joey is someone’s pet, and pets always protect their owners.

Once Adam saw someone had broken into his home, he called the police, who began investigating. Adam told Idaho News 6 that while the police officer was questioning the suspect, she saw his hands were covered in scratches, so she asked, “‘did you get that from a squirrel?'” 

The suspect said yes, and told the officer that the squirrel wouldn’t stop attacking him until he left. Well, those scratches are what helped the police identify the intruder. Way to go Joey! 

“Nobody can believe it because who can say they have a squirrel that guards their house?” Adam said. “Which is crazy. You can’t ask for much more than that.”

Although the news of Joey’s crime-fighting abilities resurfaced, he isn’t around to enjoy it, as he has since returned to the wild. It’s only natural since that is usually where squirrels reside. He did make for a good pet despite the occasional chewing of things, Adam said.

“He’d let anybody pet him when he was in the house,” Adam said. “I guess right up until the kid broke in. Right after that is when he started getting aggressive.”

This change in behavior is not abnormal, and the changing of the seasons probably contributed as well, according to University of Idaho scientist Janet Rachlow. We think Joey knew it was time to move on, too.

When summer rolled around that June, Joey climbed on Adam’s shoulder, hung out for a little while, and then disappeared into an apple tree.

“I think that was his goodbye, looking back on it,” Adam said.

Well, we’re sure Adam is glad Joey chose him as his human for a while. The love of a pet is truly unmatched, and they’ll go to great lengths to show it.

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