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Paramedic Bride Responds To Emergency Call While In Her Wedding Dress, But The Victims Were The Biggest Surprise.

We hear it all the time in movies and television… a wedding is the bride’s big day. While most brides-to-be are concerned with every little detail from the color scheme to the service, Sarah Ray’s personality is a little more “go with the flow” than your average nuptial attitude.

As a paramedic, Sarah’s life is dedicated to those who can’t save themselves. Her line of work highlights an already selfless mindset, so when she received very troubling news about her family she didn’t hesitate to run to their aid.

Thankfully, Sarah and her new husband had JUST tied the knot when Sarah got the call, “your family has been in a serious car accident.” Wedding reception and change of clothes be darned, the new couple raced to the scene of the accident nearby to check on her grandparents and father.

This is where we find Sarah and the photograph taking the internet by storm: “A paramedic in a wedding dress helping crash victims in need.” Sarah doesn’t see what the big deal is, and insists anyone would have done the same.


“I don’t know if what I did was special but I was in a wedding dress.â€

After determining that her grandparents and father would be ok, Sarah and her new husband made their way back to the wedding ceremony to celebrate their big day in style.

Watch the incredible news report below… what a day!!


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