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“Thoughtful Note Angel” Delivers Compliment Jars To Lift Friends’ Spirits.

folded pieces of torn paper next to opened up pieces of torn paper with compliments written on them and open box full of 10 jars with black lids and stickers with people's names written on them on top of the lids

The past few years have been incredibly difficult for everyone, but they have also prompted many to think of ways to make others’ lives a little better.

Kimberly Wybenga found her inspiration from friends and family. Wanting to find a way to brighten up their days, she came up with a brilliant idea by asking herself: Who doesn’t love compliments?

Kimberly started off by buying 10 small jars. Each was filled with personalized, handwritten compliments made especially for 10 of her friends. But once she realized just how fun it was to create these compliment jars, she went and bought even more. By the end, she’d give out 50 jars and a total of 1,750 compliments!

“I know everyone is dealing with some kind of struggle, and I just thought it would be nice to support them any way I could, even if I didn’t know what they were going through,” she said.

In hopes of staying anonymous, Kimberly included a card with each jar that was simply signed with “a friend.” Some were mailed to the recipients, but the ones that she delivered in person were done so with high attention to detail.

Dressed with her hair hidden inside her beanie and a mask covering her face, Kimberly lessened the likelihood that friends with outdoor cameras would be able to identify her. Sometimes, she would even park her car down the street so it couldn’t be seen.

Kimberly was keeping her acts of kindness a secret, but the people who received her compliment jars couldn’t rave enough on social media about their mystery friend.

“I hope whoever did give this to me realizes just how much I needed this gift,” one person wrote. “I’ve opened it and read one when I needed it, but tonight I dumped it all out and read every single nice thing this person said about me.”

As more and more friends and family raved about their compliment jars online, the more people started to put the mystery together. Some were able to look into where their packages came from, but the biggest giveaway for most was Kimberly’s recognizable handwriting.

Although she had hoped to remain anonymous, Kimberly couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out.

“Seeing other people happy brought me so much joy,” she said. “The world is a better place with all my friends and family.”

Along with all of the gratitude, recipients of Kimberly’s compliment jars also expressed how inspired they felt by such a selfless act, with some saying they might need to “steal” her idea.

So, with the cat already out of the bag, Kimberly decided to share her story with others in hopes that even more people will be inspired to spread kindness within their own communities.

“During this stressful time, before you speak, ask yourself if you are going to brighten someone’s day or add to the darkness,” Kimberly wrote. “There’s so much we can’t control right now but we can control our words, and the grace and kindness we display. Be the light.”

Share Kimberly’s story to encourage others to find their own way of spreading kindness.

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