Monkey Madness: 6 Silly Clips Of Primates Going Ape-Wild.

monkeys primates

Let’s monkey around and watch some primates doing silly things!

Videos by InspireMore

While apes and monkeys are different types of primates, we’ll be exploring any and all silly primates getting into chaos. They’re some of the most adorable and absurd animals on Earth. Let’s celebrate with our favorite funny primate videos!

1. This creature may have miscalculated.

2. These facial expressions are so absurd!

3. Now this is a mischievous monkey!

4. These monkeys are hustling!

5. This primate duo is not interested in getting rained on, thank you very much!

6. Please. Give. Me. A. Treat!

These creatures are seriously silly. Take a moment to monkey around today!

The featured images for this post are from TikTok (here and here).

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