Baby Girl’s Hysterical Reaction To Mom’s New Hairdo Has Internet Cracking Up.

When it comes to hairstyles, everyone’s a critic. Even babies who don’t have any hair of their own.

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San Antonio mom Kristen Newsome learned the hard way that her 9 month-old baby daughter was not a fan of her new curly hairdo. One day when Kristen went to get her daughter after an afternoon nap, the little girl had an hysterical reaction to the way mom had done her hair that day!

Usually choosing to wear her hair straight, Kristen decided to go curly that day and didn’t bother running it by her baby, first! “My daughter has only seen me with curly hair a few times,” Kristen explained, “and she apparently doesn’t recognize me, or just really hates my hair!”

Here’s how Kristen’s daughter is used to seeing her:


But here’s how Kristen looked on the day the video was taken:


Just enough of a change to throw off the baby, apparently!

In the short clip Kristen uploaded to YouTube, you can see the little girl’s face go from excited to see her mom, whose voice she instantly recognizes, to confused, and then troubled.

“You can see her excitement quickly change when she sees me!” Kristen said.

The baby quickly starts to whimper and then starts full-out crying.

For those who worry about the psychological effect this moment may have had on the child, never fear. Kristen assures us that, “I picked her up immediately after the video clip, so no worries, she was calmed down after!”


That will teach her to make any changes to her appearance without first consulting her offspring!

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