Mom’s Brilliant “Hug Button” Is The Perfect Way To Comfort Scared Kids During 1st Week Of School.

While some parents rejoice over Fall and their kids return to school, for others, “back-to-school” time can be difficult and emotional.

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U.K. mom of three, Louise Mallett, greeted her youngest child’s first day of school with mixed emotions. Not only was her last child out of the house– leaving her daytime empty for the first time– but he was scared stiff to be away from Mom all day.


The boy, a 4-year-old named Max, told Louise that he’d cried during his first half day away from her, but Louise came up with a brilliant idea. She told Max she had “a magical power as his mummy.”

The power of the hug button. 

She shared her clever trick in the Facebook post below:


So my littlest baby had his first all dayer at school today, having been in for a couple of morning settling in sessions.

I could tell he was feeling a little emotional this morning so we had a chat and came up with the idea of having a heart each and if we pressed it, it sent a hug to the other one (he said he cried as he missed me on his first half day last week).

It totally worked!

I drew a heart on both our hands and gave him a spare one on his arm in case the one on his hand wore off. We “charged”them by holding hands on the way to school, and when I picked him up I said, “did you get my hugs?” and he happily said, “Yep!”

He also said, “I pressured it for a long time mummy but I didn’t cry.” So I said, “Ahhhh that will be that big squeeze I got, did you get my big squeeze back?” and he said, “Yep!â€

Bless him, here’s to many more happy days at school while I sit at home with the dog and cry that all my babies are at school now.

Louise later said she’s not sure where the idea came from–“it just rolled off my tongue as I was trying to cheer him up before we left the house‖but she’s glad it worked. And it’s worked for other parents, too.




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